Connectfit Blog 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Gym Equipment Provider (Part 1/2)

Written by Norm Morrison | Oct 7, 2022 12:31:00 PM

Looking to buy exercise equipment?

You, my friend, are in for a challenge.

As of 2022, there were a whopping 267 fitness equipment manufacturers in the U.S. And that’s not counting the myriad of suppliers and vendors, both off and online, which run in the thousands.

At first, it may feel like you’re spoiled for choice.

But a couple of review websites and a dozen customer testimonials later, you’ll inevitably realize that with so many options out there, choosing a gym equipment provider can be very overwhelming.

The good news is you don’t have to go it alone.

I put together this guide so that you know what to look for in a fitness equipment supplier, whether you’re buying commercial-grade equipment or a simple elliptical trainer for your home gym space.

4+ Insider Tips for Choosing a Gym Equipment Provider

Here are some crucial questions to ask to get more value for your money and ensure that your new fitness equipment meets your needs:

1. Look for a Wide Product Range

Good providers understand that their clientele has varying needs and carry a wide range of equipment, models, and especially brands.

They will also assist with product selection to ensure that your equipment is the right fit for your budget, space, fitness goals, and experience level. A vendor that only works with one or two brands is unlikely to provide unbiased and expert advice.

We take product variety seriously at ConnectFit. We work with 27+ carefully selected brand partners and carry products across multiple categories and price ranges. Our goal is to serve all client demographics, including:

  • Private individuals
  • Businesses
  • Health and wellness facilities
  • Families
  • Aging athletes
  • Injured athletes
  • Blind people
  • Neurodivergent people

Our in-house experts are always there to answer questions and help you select the right equipment for your needs. You’re also welcome to visit our fitness showrooms in Newton and Burlington, MA, and give our products a test drive in a real-life gym session!

2. Ask for In-House Delivery & Installation

Delivery is the most overlooked part of the gym equipment sales cycle. We’ve grown so used to online shopping that we rarely give shipping a second thought.

That’s a mistake.

You could get a state-of-the-art rowing machine or a set of exercise bikes, but your expensive equipment would be good for nothing if it gets damaged in transit.

The same goes for installation.

Correct installation is critical for the functioning and longevity of exercise machines. More importantly, it ensures proper use and helps prevent injury.

You’d think gym equipment providers take care of that as part of their standard service package. But the reality is that many providers outsource installation to their customers or unvetted third parties.

The results are less than optimal, and people call my team in to fix incorrectly installed equipment all the time.

What’s worse is that if you’re an inexperienced or sporadic user, or simply are new to this particular brand or product, it can be weeks or months before you find out something’s wrong. The warranty may well be expired by then.

At ConnectFit, we avoid these issues by having a dedicated in-house team for service and delivery. They have decades of experience and will pack, transport, and install your equipment quickly and securely.

This includes testing all pieces of equipment, functionalities, and safety features. We also make adjustments as needed to maximize comfort and fit.

But that’s not all: We go a step further and stock all products in our own warehouse. By not renting space or relying on external storage providers, we can guarantee that the equipment is handled properly at all times.

3. Look Into the Relationship Between Manufacturers and Dealers

Most gym equipment vendors these days are basically sales reps for the brands they carry. They may show you multiple brands on the sales floor, but that’s just to give you the illusion of choice.

The reality is that they’ll give you no independent information. You’ll only be told what the manufacturers want you to hear.

And if you think you could find better information online, I’ve got news for you. There’s no such thing as an independent review site for fitness equipment. These are all affiliate websites.

The only way to get informed and unbiased opinions on different models and brands of gym equipment is by talking to local experts like ConnectFit.

We sell but are not affiliated with the brands we carry. Our goal is to serve our local community and help you choose what’s right for you. Sometimes, that means not buying a new product or buying a lower-priced one.

4. Make Sure You’ll Get Long-Term Servicing & Maintenance

The one thing that sets the best gym equipment providers apart is that they will service and maintain your equipment for as long as it lasts, and they will do it in-house. Companies that rely on third-party maintenance often work with cheap, unregulated technicians who deliver sub-par results.

At ConnectFit, we service all our machines in-house. You can even schedule preventative maintenance with our dedicated service and maintenance teams. We can afford that because we only carry high-quality equipment with durable design and extended or lifetime warranty from leading brands, so problems are rare.

This also shows our commitment to the client experience. We don’t treat you as just a potential “sale.” Our goal is to build long-term relationships, and this often means taking care of you and your equipment rather than always looking to sell you something new.

Want More Tips on Choosing a Gym Equipment Provider?

Stay tuned for part two of this series, where I share more insider tips on shopping for gym equipment suppliers, ConnectFit’s cycle of service, and how it allows us to deliver excellent customer service.

In the meantime, check out our product range, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!