I would say one of the most misunderstood pieces on our floor is the Power plate. Whole Body Vibration has been around for decades, and was used originally by cosmonauts and astronauts to maintain muscle mass and bone mass and zero gravity. 

It's one of the big secrets of fitness, and it's one of those places that professional athletes have a huge advantage on the rest of us. Because the power plate and whole body vibration is used by nearly every single professional sports team and national sports team, as well as many rehab facilities.
Trusted by the Best
of pro football teams outfitted with Power Plate units.
of college athletic programs train with Power Plate.
of pro baseball clubhouses utilize Power Plate.
of pro basketball teams incorporate Power Plate in their training.
It's actually a surprise to people when they find out nearly every single national football team uses them, some of us having as many as 15 of the heavy commercial machines so they can do group exercises on them. And you'll notice that every Lifetime fitness has two of the big ones.

And there is a huge difference, by the way, between the way the power plate itself works versus all the cheap knockoff machines. Power plate vibrates in three dimensions, side to side, back and front, as well as up and down. And all the research and the science has been done with that, so buying a knockoff machine means you almost certainly won't be getting the same benefit.
And those benefits can be gigantic. The first is very basic, as our bodies perceive high levels of vibration as instability and this makes muscles fire more. This is why it accelerates training, and specifically makes the muscles fire more in the insertion points in our joints. Joints. So power plate allows you to build the muscles around the joints, where we get injured the most. This makes it excellent for Rehab and also to avoid injuries.
Power plate also creates active transport, meaning it increase blood flow, lymphatic circulation, and moves toxins away faster. One of the most important uses for professional athletes is that moves lactic acid away faster, allowing athletes to work out more frequently.
Power plate also increases bone density, as well as increasing range of motion and strength throughout the range of motion. This makes it ideal for golfers and tennis players, as well as anybody who needs to maintain bone mass. Read that as my seniors.

And much of the recent research is all based on Parkinsons and other neuro degenerative conditions.
One of the hardest things to understand about the power plate is that it doesn't replace any other piece in your fitness routine. It doesn't replace cardio, it doesn't replace strength training, and it doesn't replace flexibility. What it does do is it enhances all of these and allows you to gain more benefit from any of these things.
If you want to come in and try the power blade, you can make an appointment right here.