Norm Morrison Apr 17, 2023 4:56:35 PM 4 min read

A Warmer Gym Feel

After Twenty-Five years, I *am* somewhat sick of all the metal and monochromatic nature of the fitness equipment world.  Having designed equipment with a bunch of manufacturers, I've often been the one who had to defend the biomechanics and spacial necessity when a client or my old owner, in particular, used to tell me how ugly most of this industry's equipment is.

In this particular incarnation, I'm working with a lot of builders and designers, so finding ways to warm the fitness room has been critical.  And a lot of the Ecore Flooring does a good job of that, to give an earthier or warmer feel to the space.PXL_20210720_140139746-1

But we also work with some specialty equipment designers who put that design element in the forefront.  One of them is Paragon, who makes beautiful and sophisticated free weights and storage and benches that break the rules.  So we can add these to the wood or earth toned flooring to build a stylish gym that may still have some metal equipment, but also brings in other elements to soften both the look and actual feel.  It softens that unyielding metal look, and makes the space less frigid and more inviting.

And storage elements are always super helpful in keeping that neat feel, to reduce clutter.  And making them attractive is a natural next step.HR_P308_125_hires
Paragon started as a Yacht specialist company, and has moved from there, into the high-end facility world.  With multiple wood grains and metal finishes, they can literally allow a designer to make the equipment harmonize better with the look and feel of the whole building or home.

They also have cable systems that can be built in and also match the same wood grains, which saves space but also looks amazing.  These can be added into even a very small space.  


And I love the Dumbbell racks that go right on the wall, with the matching grain on the dumbbell handles.  Saves space, and looks fantastic.

So let us know if we can help you create a more personalized, warmer fitness space for you or your clients.  We'd love to help.
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Norm Morrison

Norm has a long history of building partnerships between Health and Wellness companies and meshing technology creators with manufacturers and vendors. He helped build the largest fitness equipment dealership from the ground up and has worked with nearly all of the major manufacturers in the industry. The top brands in the market come to him for advice about developing and improving their product. Norm has helped dozens of companies bring products to market and has an inside track on what’s new and what’s next in both the legacy and connected fitness industries.